
Friday, February 28, 2003

I have spent the past 24 hours cheering myself up by reading blogs. Some of them are really interesting but this morning I came across the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life via a link on Dave Barry's blog:


As a gay person, I certainly do not condone the use of the word gay to mean lame or bad but I have never seen anything so funny in all my life! I don't know this kid from a can of paint but he is clearly talented. I am telling you, this is without a doubt the funniest thing I have ever seen!!!

I was just reading my own words and it made me think about my using the word gay to refer to myself. A lot of lesbians will not use the word gay about themselves and they resent the use of it. I for one do not mind. In fact, I use it quite a lot. I wonder if that makes me a bad gay person. Ah, well, such is life.

TGIF. I have bowling plans for tonight. Where the new obsession with bowling came from, I am not sure. I am equally obsessed with Edward J. Stevens, bowling alley lawyer so perhaps that is the origin. I have to say though, 4 times since Christmas seems excessive, particularly because I can not bowl. My average is somewhere in the 60s! Regardless, I have bowling plans yet again!

Happy Friday!
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