
Sunday, March 09, 2003

I got the flu from my boss. I am less than thrilled. I somehow managed to avoid getting it from Michelle who was in bed for nearly two weeks with the flu, but I get hit with it from my boss who came into the office three days in a row this week while he was sick. Argh! I hate being sick.

On a more positive note, I read a really awesome book this weekend: Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. It is one of those books that I have picked up in a book store about a million times in the past year. I bought it on Thursday just because I was looking for something light to read. I absolutely love Cannie, the main character. I love books where I wish I was friends with the characters. Cannie is complex and funny and sensitive. One of the things that I loved so much about this book is that most of it is set in Philadelphia. It is so wonderful to read about streets that I walk on each day, neighborhoods that I know well. I wonder if the appeal of familiarity has worn off for people in New York. So many books, movies, tv shows, etc are set in New York. For me, it is such a treat when I read something set in the Philadelphia area: The Bee Season by Myla Goldberg, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

I love Philadelphia. I am job hunting and in the process, have been weighing the pros and cons of relocating. I was talking about this dilemma in work yesterday. My boss was telling me that I would like Pittsburgh and when he asked what Philly had that Pitt didn't, I replied "my Mom." I don't know if that is weakness or strength. There are many many things I love about Philadelphia but the most important is that my family is here. We are not people who take moving lightly. I grew up in a house only three streets away from where my Mom grew up. Cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles all within 5 minutes. It was totally acceptable to drop by unannounced, raid the fridge, plop down to watch tv. I don't do that anymore but it is the fact that all of that is still acceptable: very comforting.

Anyhow, the book was fabulous and I really want to get the next book by Jennifer Weiner. Since I have the flu, perhaps I will have time to read it!
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