
Monday, April 28, 2003

I feel like I could blog for hours. So much to say!

Funny Rick Santorum story- enjoy!

Millwood pitched a no-hitter yesterday. My Mom is a hostess at the Vet and was there. She said she was screaming her head off at the end of the game, paused momentarily about the professionalism of the wailing, and then, I am sure, proceeded to scream some more! Read all about it here. Read all about the Phillies game, not my Mom's wailing, although that might be equally thrilling in some ways.

Had a totally crazy weekend. Friday, I was a kindergarden teacher. I swear, substitute teaching may be the toughest job there is. I will be glad when I am reliably employed again. It is so tough to walk into another person's job for just one day, particularly when that job involves 25 five-year-olds! Brutal! I totally crashed and did nothing on Friday night.

Saturday was the one year anniversary of Michelle and my commitment ceremony. We celebrated by going to Cuba Libre where the food was super and the atmosphere was lovely. Afterwards we walked to the Ritz and saw Chicago for the second time. I really loved that movie. I saw the Broadway show a few years ago and really enjoyed it. What I liked about the movie is that the structure really allows you to see how the characters relate to each other. When I saw the show, I loved the singing and the dancing but I am not sure that I really got the storyline. I think the movie makes it really clear.

Michelle and I talked a good deal on Saturday about all that has happened in the past year. It has been a really full one! I am looking forward to the next one and I am hoping that is a little less transitional!

Sunday was a super full day. We met Michael and Suz at the Art Museum for lunch and to get tickets for the Degas and the Dance exhibit. It was gorgeous! There was a small fire in the kitchen though and we were evacuated for awhile. Thank God it was a gorgeous day! We took the opportunity to walk to the Friends of the Free Library's Big Book Sale. I bought 8 books for $5. I will definitely be frequenting the Friends of the Free Library's book store. It was awesome. Michelle and Suz patiently waited in the shade while I looked at books till I was satisfied. God bless them!

Last night, we went to see my sister Angie in the Archdiocesan Boy Choir production of Oliver! The director of the choir has been a friend of my parents forever. He was my Dad's choir director when my Dad was in the kids' choir at St. Peter the Apostle school choir thirty years ago. I have seen the show so many times, I think I could have performed it myself but it was good to see Angie on the stage. She really does love performing. The crazy part is that my sister Cathy played the same rols in the ABC production of Oliver! in 1997 and watching Angie last night was like watching Cathy all over again! So funny!

Today, I need to be a cleaning machine, need to put away my new books, stop by the library to pick up a book they are holding for me and prepare for an interview tomorrow. I have a second interview for a job that I used to think was my dream job. I am not so sure anymore but I am very interested nonetheless.
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