
Saturday, April 05, 2003

Michelle is doing Pilates...again. I, on the other hand, am a lazy slug. My first week of unemployment was quite different than what I had expected. I did not work out at all other than walking the streets of Philly as I usually do to get from one place to another. Each day the alarm would go off, Michelle would say to me "Do you want to do Pilates with me?" Then I would roll over and go back to sleep. Way to be ambitious. This is why Michelle has lost beaucoup lbs in the past year and a half and I weigh precisely one lb less than I did last January when we went to our first Weight Watchers meeting. Sure, I got my 10 lb ribbon, and then the prize for losing 10% of my body weight but I have since found all the weight I had lost, save one measly lb. I am teetering dangerously close to surpassing my highest ever weight. I am petrified of that place.

I was a 5th grade teacher on Wednesday. What an adventure! I can not even begin to describe how tough it was to walk into a room full of kids I have never met before and attempt, not only to teach them something, but to exercise some control over the way that they behave. It was interesting and fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I applied for a job at Barnes and Noble yesterday. I also have an application for Borders that I need to fill out. I would love to work with books! My dream job- librarian! There are no Library Science programs in commuting distance though and I am just not in a place to move out of my neighborhood right now. Hell, Michelle and I went to see an apartment yesterday that is 11 blocks Northwest of our current one and we were not sure we could make the adjustment. On June 15, we are moving three blocks away. It is also 3 blocks away from the apartment that we lived in before this one. We have a sick attachment to the "gayborhood."

Trying to make plans with Michael and Suz today. We'll see what happens. We wanted to go to a pottery painting place in Manayunk that evidently does not exist anymore. Next idea: the teddy bear factory in King of Prussia. I am unemployed. It makes perfect sense to make plans that include creating junk I do not need.


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