
Thursday, September 18, 2003

Hoover madness 

I cast on for the Hoover blanket from Knitty last night. Finished my three inches of border this morning (I am at home sick) and am a few rows into the striping. Very strange! I think I am getting it. This seems to be a pattern where one bad stitch will make a BIG difference. In the first row I striping, I knitted two stitches next to each other, rather than knitting a stitch and slipping the next. It seemed like no big deal to me when I noticed what I had done but after two rows, I realized that I was not, in fact, knitting two right sides and no wrong sides. My two sides were connected and one was definitely wrong. Any self-respecting knitter would have frogged those rows and started again. Not me, I have no patience for all that while sniffling away with my cold. I simply started knitting it the right way. Now it seems to be working. I think. More tomorrow.

I hate being sick. I had a two day training last week for work and the facilitator had a cold. Three days later, so did I. I have spent all week trying to fight this cold. Nights have been brutal. I have been taking Tylenol Cold PM and it has been making me super jumpy and a little violent at night. Michelle says I have hit her (accidentally of course) several times and just can't keep my hands still. She said it looked like I was swimming on Tuesday night. So I quit taking the crazy-inducing meds. This morning, I just could not do it anymore. So I called out sick and went back to sleep- until 11:30! My poor body was definitely sending me a message.

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