
Sunday, September 07, 2003

I can hardly believe the weekend is nearly over. I spent a good deal of it knitting, albeit I was knitting at the hospital.

Michelle's MRI was yesterday morning. For a full report on the experience: Michelle's blog. We won't have the results for a few days. In the meantime, she is not driving, is trying to take it slow, and just generally trying not to worry.

Michelle's mom, aka Tinkles, is doing okay although her legs look so sore! They are very swollen, seemingly unrelated to the cellulitis. Very strange. Michelle's mom has always been very proud of her very thin calves and ankles and can not believe that these reddish-purple swollen feet and legs are hers. I hope the swelling starts to decrease soon.

I finished the first sock of the Regia pair I am working on. I read something weird on the knitlist or socknitters (can't remember which) in the past few days. Someone posted that Regia has ended all of their contracts with local yarn stores and is only selling to Michael's or some other big craft store. I don't know if that is true but I am bummed if it is. Regia is the only sock specific yarn that Sophie's stocks. I guess Rosie's has some others but I have yet to visit there even though it is only 10 blocks from my house and 5 blocks from my work. Sophie's is only 3 blocks or so from home so I am just more prone to go there. Anyhoo, if that is the case, it stinks. I am good at finding things on the internet but I have no idea how to find out if this rumor is true.

Looking forward to going to my first Philly Knitters event next Saturday. I have no idea what I am going to bring. I am working on a triangle shawl in ribbon yarn but I just don't think it will travel well. Maybe the 5 hour baby sweater that I am going to make from the yarn I was using for the VBB. That's right...I frogged the Very Boring Blanket! I just could not stand looking at it any more. I was home from work on Thursday- having an anxiety pity party (poor me, I can't leave the house) and I just ripped the whole thing out. So I figure I will make a sweater and maybe even a hat and booties to go with it.

The anxiety is at about a 6 out of 10. There is a man in the room across from Tinkles in the hospital who just yells and is generally disagreeable to the nurses. When we first got to the hospital, he was yelling for about 10 minutes and I could feel my anxiety increasing. I thought I was going to have to bolt, but we just closed the door to her private room, a nurse came to get him to quiet down, and I settled. I am not feeling great going into the week but am hoping that relaxing tonight will help.

Michelle is making chicken pot pie- it smells delicious. We joined Netflix on Thursday and got all three of our initial selections yesterday. We watched Arsenic and Old Lace last night and will watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding or Shop Around the Corner tonight. Hopefully, relaxing with my bunny, some good dinner, and a funny movie will help lead into a low-anxiety week.
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