
Wednesday, September 24, 2003

On a lighter note... 

Just thinking a bunch of things:
Pregnant Dooce is even funnier than regular Dooce. Check it out if you have a chance.

New knitting blogs on the side bar. Knitting Curmudgeon is crazy. I have been to this blog briefly a few times before but today her humor just agreed with me. Getting into this whole knitting thing has been a really interesting experience. I love that she calls people KnitDweebs. Michelle and I talked about this when we first starting going to Sophie's. Inevitably, every time I go there, some lunatic tries to talk to me about how gorgeous so-and-so yarns are or how wonderful such-and-such a pattern is. One thing you need to know about me- I do not talk to people I do not know. I don't mingle. I don't make small talk. I don't say hello to people on the street. It is just not my style. Adjusting to the knitting world has been odd. I went to the Knit Out on Sunday and essentially, did not speak to anyone. I thanked the lesson instructors when I moved to the next area. I responded when someone asked me a question. But I did not start any conversations! I just don't really do that. Anyway, the Knitting Curmudgeon seems to think that most of these online knitting people are nuts. She talks about the craziness that exists on the knitting lists which I chuckled at because I have only been subscribed to the knitlist and socklist for a few months and I already am bored by the same questions and topics that come up again and again. It is brutal!

Sarah at the Handknitter blog is hosting a Knit-a-long for people doing the first level of the Master Knitter class starting in January. I had a moment where I thought this would be cool but I don't know. My thought is that doing this would give me a structure in which to improve my knitting. The knit-a-long would provide support for this structure. I imagine I would need to do some research and there would be practice involved which is good. It is not an option right now for me anyway because there is a $25 fee to join The Knitting Guild Association and a $30 fee for the class. The knit-a-long is not starting until after the holidays though so I have time to think about it. And time to ask for this for Christmas!

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