
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Grumpy Smurf 

That's how I feel today. I was sort of excited about the cold front that hit us here in Philadelphia, but it is rainy and gray as well. Yuck. I am in comfortable clothes at work- cords and a sweater- but I can't help wishing I was at home, knitting, and watching Little Women.

Michelle is getting her holter monitor today. She will wear it for 48 hours. How wrong is it that I am thinking about ways to startle her just so that the technicians will wonder why her heart rate spiked, never knowing that it was because I pinched her butt while she was cooking dinner? Okay, fine, I should be more creative than that, but it's gross out and I am cranky.

I am going on a trip for work this weekend- a student leadership retreat. I have put a good deal of effort into this event and expect that it will go well. I can't help feeling though that I wish I could just stay home. I will be happy in mid-November when I am done with work related travel for a few months.

My wheels are totally turning about holiday related knitting projects. I think I will have enough time to finish the projects that I want to do. I am thinking about picking up some yarn today for one of the projects so that I can take it with me this weekend. I will be spending a good amount of time on a bus- 4 hours of knitting time, plus the four workshops I will be sitting through that I neither am giving nor am I the intended audience. I am hoping I can get away with knitting while listening. It is hard for me to sit still and listen without doing something else.

Flylady is starting to prepare for the holidays just in time for me to start getting into the spirit. When I was a little girl, my Mom made a rule that we could start listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas videos, etc on November 1. She regrets this now because my sisters and brother and I have turned out to be so holiday-crazy that we count down to that day. My sister Cathy calls me every year on November 1 and plays Bing Crosby "Round and Round the Christmas Tree" on my answering machine. The real kicker for us as kids was that November 1 is All Saints Day and being Catholic School students, we always had the day off. My poor Mother. The four of us drive the poor woman absolutely insane. She usually starts listening to Christmas music around mid-November, earlier than most people but later than her children, the lunatics!

Anyhoo, Flylady is starting to send messages, missions, and reminders to prepare for the holidays. Michelle and I both love the holiday season and tend to be a little more organized about it than most people. We usually start our handmade Christmas cards a little before Thanksgiving. We buy paper, rubber stamps, embossing powder, holiday address labels, and whatever holiday stamp the post office releases. We bake dozens of cookies in mid-December for our families, friends, and coworkers. I have already made a list of what I am giving to my parents, siblings, godmother, grandmother, nephew, and the daughters of my cousin Julie who are sort of like nieces but not really. I have been compiling my list for Michelle for months. The trick is I have to figure out what to give her for her birthday (12/7), our anniversary (12/4), and Christmas. If I remember correctly we did not do gifts last year for our anniversary. We just went out to dinner. This is the anniversary of when we started dating, not of our commitment ceremony so I think we are just celebrating with dinner these days. Oh, Lord, I can't remember!

Only two more weeks until the holiday planning and preparing begins in full swing!
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