
Friday, October 31, 2003

Mischief Night 

I had forgotten that Mischief Night even existed until I was walking to to work this morning and saw that the new Starbucks at Broad and Pine got egged last night. Now, there is nothing out of the ordinary about this Starbucks being targeted. I know there has been at least one incidence of graffiti already. Anyhoo, as soon as I saw the egg remnants I remembered Mischief Night- the night before Halloween when neighborhood kids act like the hoodlums they are and destroy things. I think I was in 7th and 8th grade when me and my two best friends, Angie and Shelly got egged on the way from Shelly's house to my house. (Interesting to note that the three of us were all born on May 19, 1978 and lived on the same street, across 4 blocks.) It was just after dinner so it was dark out and all of a sudden, eggs were coming from every side. It was less than thrilling.

Halloween is a silly little holiday to me. I love Garfield's Halloween Adventure, The Great Pumpkin, and a great 80s movie called The Worst Witch starring Tim Curry, Fairuza Balk, and Mrs. Garrett from the Facts of Life as set of good/ evil twins! Michelle, Michael and I are planning on going to the annual Halloween Ball thrown by Henri David at the Wyndam Frankling Plaza. I told Michelle this morning that we should forget the costumes and just go as ourselves- we can be the walking wounded. I have been having nightly panic attacks around 10 PM, Michelle is having major trouble with her symptoms, and Michael is on chemotherapy medicine to treat his Chrone's disease and is still recovering from pneumonia. Why do we think it is a good idea to spend $20 each for cash bar when none of us can actually drink and we are exhausted. I really enjoyed going the last time we went (5 years ago), but I wonder if it would not be just as fun to go give out candy at Michael's house in East Falls and watch the Halloween specials I noted above.

Oh, heck, I don't know.

Happy Halloween anyway!
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