
Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Send prayers for my sweet baboo... 

Michelle just called me. Chest CT- done. The results will go to her doctors- primary care and the cardiologist she saw last week. Mich will follow up with the cardiologist on Friday and hopefully they will tell us that the mass behind her heart is indeed her stomach. I spent a little time today online researching the underlying conditions that cause orthostatic hypotension. I shouldn't have done that. Just pray she does not have Shy Drager's disease. Pray as much as you can.

Going to dinner at the New Deck with Michael tonight. Before I quit my previous job, Michael and I were to the point of eating lunch at the New Deck once a week. We love their chicken fingers and fries. Michael has Crohn's disease. He does not talk about it much on his blog- when he actually does blog. But I am glad I am going out with him tonight. In addition to wanting to spend time with a good friend, I need to talk to someone with a chronic condition. I want to prepare myself just in case whatever Michelle has does not go away. I am scared.

Looking forward to watching Ed tonight. I love those crazy Stuckeyville folks. I need their levity in my life.

Thinking about sweater knitting projects. I made three tank tops this summer and made a baby sweater a few weeks ago. I am thinking about making myself a sweater though. Maybe cables. I think I am up to the challenge!
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