
Thursday, October 30, 2003

This day sucks and it is only 9:15 


On a good note, one of my favorite bloggers, Dooce, is enjoying one of Michelle's favorite bloggers, Toby from Vivid Blurry. This whole blogging thing is funny- I am interested in connections between bloggers I enjoy. Why- I have no friggin idea. But I got a little giggle this morning when I saw that Dooce listed Toby's Brittany Watch 2003 as what she is currently enjoying on her sidebar.

On another positive note, Michelle and I are going back to Weight Watchers next week. I need to. Michelle has been able to continue to lose weight over the past year and a half since we stopped going to meetings. Me, not so much. I have gained 10 lbs since we stopped going- and I had not reached a healthy weight when we stopped. I hate it. I need to lose about 25 lbs to be comfortably in the weight range for my height. I feel fat.

I am bored with my knitting. I am working on a baby blanket all in garter stitch with acrylic yarn I bought back in the Spring. This is the yarn from the Very Boring Blanket, affectionately known as the VBB. The yarn is boring, the new pattern, nearly as boring as the VBB pattern. Not good. I am low on yarn though. I have some left overs from past projects and I should be more creative with it. Lots of knitters have a stash. I do not. When I want to make something, I find a pattern, go to the yarn store, buy the amount of yarn needed and that's it. I have a few leftovers from projects I have done. No big yarn stash for me. It all fits into a large canvas tote bag- patterns, yarn, needles, and tools (tape measure, stitch markers, yarn needles, etc).

Did you notice that my buttons on the sidebar are appearing? I finally figured out what I was doing wrong- months later. Better late than never, I guess.
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