
Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Your daily dose of bad news... 

Marriage Protection Week has got me down. I hate haters.

Michelle is feeling badly. She has a chest ct tomorrow. I can not wrap my head around why they can't tell if the mass behind her heart is her stomach or not. Sounds sketchy to me. Her appointment with the neurologist is next week.

There were protesters at OutFest on Sunday. They made me feel- well, sometimes a feeling is too complex to be described in words. A funny story though...the protesters were led by a "minister" of sorts who was yelling about the "Good Lord." I almost peed when I hear this shout from a guy in the middle of the street, "If you keep your sh*t up, you're going to meet the Good Lord." It made a bad experience giggly!

I am knitting a pumpkin hat for my nephew- from the Fiber Trends Patrick's Pumpkin pattern. I did a gauge swatch and could have sworn I was right on gauge (albeit with needles two sizes bigger than those recommended). Somehow though my gauge is off. Rather than switching to larger needles, I just knitted on more stitches until I got the right measurement. I am frustrated though. And more stitches means the hat is taking longer than I wanted. Grrr.

Wha! Wha! Someone call the Wham-bulance!
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