
Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Work Nightmares 

What a week and it is only Tuesday!

Work is so overwhelming. I have no idea how I made it through the past two days without panicking. All I can do is thank God for the strength to get through it and ask for the grace to get through the next three days.

Tomorrow our new honor society members will be inducted. On Friday, the first draft of the annaul report for the grant that pays me and funds services for the students is due. I worked from 8-6:30 today, no lunch. I ate, but at my desk. When I got home, I worked some more. Tomorrow I will work from 8-8. Thursday is usually my early day- I leave at 3:30. Friday, I was scheduled to work until 12:30. I will be working until at least 5 on both days. Argh!

Good news is that I seem to be managing okay on just the Lexapro. Today is day two with no Paxil and so far, I am hanging in there. I don't know how, but I am.

There are so many things that need doing...mailing a package to my friend Heidi in Denmark. People from the anxiety board sent packages from all over the world. I was supposed to mail this package three weeks ago and it is still in my living room. That is the most visible of the neglected projects.

All I can do is pray for strength to get through it. Lord help me!
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