
Friday, December 12, 2003

Friday Five 

1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?

Yes, I can't imagine living somewhere that had mild weather in the winter. I like it to be cold and, ideally, snowy for Christmas.

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?

Christmas Eve- 5:00 Mass with my family. Seafood dinner with Michelle's family. A few hours of quiet with Michelle before going to sleep.

Christmas Day- some quiet time in the morning- just me and Michelle. Some time with Michelle's family. Some time with my family. The perfect holiday would mean my Gram and Pop were still alive. I miss them so much.

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?

I have too many holiday traditions to list. New pajamas on Christmas Eve. Making lots of cookies to give as gifts. Going to Children's Mass with my family on Christmas Eve. These are just a few.

4. Do you do anything to help the needy?

This year, the Honor Society that I advise is doing a food and personal care items drive for a women and children's shelter. I will be contributing to that drive, as well as coordinating the students' efforts.

For 8 years, I participated in an Operation Santa Claus project. On Christmas Eve, after Mass, we delivered toys to needy families in our Church parish, complete with a Santa Claus to carry a bag of toys. The feeling of thankfulness when I walked into my own warm, decorated home after hours of being in homes with little light, and sometimes no power, was intense. It was an amazing experience during my high school and college years.

5. What one gift would you like for yourself?
Abstract, a peaceful holiday with family cheer. Michelle and I are a little nervous about how cheerful the holiday will be. Her Mom is ill and not much in the Christmas spirit which has been tough for us.
Concrete, knitting stuff. Books, bags, yarn, needles, anything having to do with knitting!

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