
Tuesday, December 23, 2003

It's Almost Christmas Charlie! 

My sister Cathy and I are inextricably linked in many ways, but most obviously in our holiday memories.

Today, my post is titled the same as hers.

This line is from the hysterically funny made for tv special, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, based on the book of the same name and featuring Fairuza Balk and Hot Lips from MASH. The local trash family, the Herdman's get cast by Hot Lips as all the main roles in the annual Church Christmas pageant. Imogene as Mary, Gladys as the Angel of the Lord, and a whole mess of brothers as Joseph and the Wise Men- disaster, and eventually, success ensues.

"It's almost Christmas, Charlie" became code between Cathy and I to mean- you are bugging the crap out of me by repeating something that someone else just said so shut up! I almost snarfed water out of my nose when I read it this morning. I want to watch that movie now!

40 minutes until I leave work until January 5th!
Smiles all around!
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