
Thursday, December 11, 2003

Rain, rain, go away 

Hey kids!

I SO did not want to get out of bed this morning. When my alarm went off, it was so dark outside, so warm in my bed, and I could hear the rain and wind outside. The first paragraph of my morning pages focused on the weather and how it is the perfect day to stay at home, under the Christmas lights, knitting, and watching Anne of Green Gables. No can do, Mrs. C. So I am here. At work. With my office window open a crack so I can listen to and smell the rain. (and apparently to listen to profanity from passers by! I can't get over the words people will shout on the street. Sure, I use those same words, but in the privacy of my own home!)

I have been really interested in hearing from new blog readers. This is a blog with a tiny readership- less than 20 people per day- mostly people I know. So it is interesting to me when people find my blog and leave a comment. It feels good to know that people are reading my words and that they find what I am saying interesting enough to come back. So if you have left a message recently- Bella and Lisa in particular- thanks!

I am reading She's Not There by Jennifer Finney Boylan. I saw JFB at a reading a few months ago at a local branch of the Library. So amazing! The book is incredible- honest, funny, touching, and wonderful. JFB is a male to female transexual who just happens to be the co-chair of Colby College's English Department. I know that people think of transgendered people as those who are on Jerry Springer. JFB is high functioning, successful, and regular. I also love that her best friend is Richard Russo whose novel Empire Falls was one of my favorite reads this year. She's Not There is awesome. I love it!

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