Thursday, January 08, 2004
You can stand there and agonize til your agony's your heaviest load
More Indigo Girls! Today the song of choice is Watershed from Nomads, Indians, and Saints. I am in love! Every few months I go through a renewed love of the Girls. They remind me of my freshman year in college when I rarely listened to anything other than the Indigo Girls. Every time I hear Virginia Woolf I think about sitting on my bed, amid books and notes, classmates lounging on the floor with their books and notes, studying for Mediterranean World!
Knitting news: I finished the DNA scarf last night. It just needs a little blocking- I think I will go to Target this weekend and get the steamer that Bonne Marie recommended.
I am now in pursuit of a mittens pattern for worsted weight yarn. I think I could probably make up a mittens pattern based on the one I used for the strawberry mittens and the froggy mittens. But if you know of a good one, let me know. I originally was thinking of making Michelle the Broad Street mittens from Knitty- how appropriate being the Philly girls we are. I am on Broad Street every blessed day- and let me tell you, when I have to walk on a street that runs North-South in Center City- as I do every day on my way to work- I avoid Broad like the plague. Because it is so much wider than other streets, the wind is that much more vicious and it feels that much colder. So I sympathize with this Philly designer. You need mittens on Broad Street. Anyway, back to the pattern- that one is made for fingering weight yarn.
Ed and West Wing were new last night. I hope you all watched like good little couch potatoes!
I have to say, I don't think anything actually happened on the Wing. It was boring. That show is a mess.
I liked Ed in all its wackiness. I think Michelle was a tad frustrated with it, or more specifically with one Miss Carol Vessey. I think she is endearing and sweet. I have a tendancy to find indecisive, passive-aggressive, and whiny to be endearing and sweet.
Speaking of...
The former Josephine Potter- the gorgeous Katie Holmes- is engaged to Chris Klein. Katie has been close to the top of my crush list for years- well since January 1998 to be precise. I heart her. She drives Michelle crazy. More specifically, the whining of her Joey-persona on Dawson's Creek made Michelle want to injure herself. I heart her anyway. Katie comes only second (in celebrity loves) to Julia Roberts who I have loved since 1991. Ask my sister Cathy. She'll tell you of my Julia love. Cathy bought me Pretty Woman on video in 1992 for my 8th grade graduation because she was tired of hearing me talk about how great it was and hoped that if I was watching it, I would stop talking her ear off about how great the movie was, and how great Julia is. Ah, the love of a 14 year old girl who does not yet realize that she is as gay as the day is long!
Other celebrity crushes:
Gwyneth, Kate Winslet, Kate Beckinsale, Julie Bowen- who I have to say is looking radiant, Catherine Z-J, Keira Knightly- she's a new one but I can't talk enough about how beautiful she was in Love Actually.
Anyway, there they are, in case you were wondering.
Knitting news: I finished the DNA scarf last night. It just needs a little blocking- I think I will go to Target this weekend and get the steamer that Bonne Marie recommended.
I am now in pursuit of a mittens pattern for worsted weight yarn. I think I could probably make up a mittens pattern based on the one I used for the strawberry mittens and the froggy mittens. But if you know of a good one, let me know. I originally was thinking of making Michelle the Broad Street mittens from Knitty- how appropriate being the Philly girls we are. I am on Broad Street every blessed day- and let me tell you, when I have to walk on a street that runs North-South in Center City- as I do every day on my way to work- I avoid Broad like the plague. Because it is so much wider than other streets, the wind is that much more vicious and it feels that much colder. So I sympathize with this Philly designer. You need mittens on Broad Street. Anyway, back to the pattern- that one is made for fingering weight yarn.
Ed and West Wing were new last night. I hope you all watched like good little couch potatoes!
I have to say, I don't think anything actually happened on the Wing. It was boring. That show is a mess.
I liked Ed in all its wackiness. I think Michelle was a tad frustrated with it, or more specifically with one Miss Carol Vessey. I think she is endearing and sweet. I have a tendancy to find indecisive, passive-aggressive, and whiny to be endearing and sweet.
Speaking of...
The former Josephine Potter- the gorgeous Katie Holmes- is engaged to Chris Klein. Katie has been close to the top of my crush list for years- well since January 1998 to be precise. I heart her. She drives Michelle crazy. More specifically, the whining of her Joey-persona on Dawson's Creek made Michelle want to injure herself. I heart her anyway. Katie comes only second (in celebrity loves) to Julia Roberts who I have loved since 1991. Ask my sister Cathy. She'll tell you of my Julia love. Cathy bought me Pretty Woman on video in 1992 for my 8th grade graduation because she was tired of hearing me talk about how great it was and hoped that if I was watching it, I would stop talking her ear off about how great the movie was, and how great Julia is. Ah, the love of a 14 year old girl who does not yet realize that she is as gay as the day is long!
Other celebrity crushes:
Gwyneth, Kate Winslet, Kate Beckinsale, Julie Bowen- who I have to say is looking radiant, Catherine Z-J, Keira Knightly- she's a new one but I can't talk enough about how beautiful she was in Love Actually.
Anyway, there they are, in case you were wondering.
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