
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Progress, or not 

I have been knitting the shawl. And then taking it out. And then knitting it again.

Here's a picture from last week:


I'm not this far anymore. I'm about to add the fourth and fifth snowdrops again. Except that I am not because the left end is wonky and I need to take out at least four rows.

I think the issue is that I need full attention on knitting while I work on this. When I was sitting outside with a cup of coffee yesterday knitting away, all was good. When I was at home, trying to count yarn overs and trying to watch Carly Patterson flip around on the uneven bars...well, no wonder my yarn overs are out of place! This needs to be zen knitting. This needs to be music in the background, looking at my needles knitting.

Anyway, the pattern is great. I found one mistake in the chart (Steph, I'll drop you an email) but all is well. I just need to pay attention. This may be sitting on the porch in Nova Scotia knitting. Bliss!

Baby update:
The momma (my little sis) thought this baby was making an early arrival on Sunday night. Turns out Cathy has a kidney stone but it made for a few scary hours in the er. She's had a kidney stone before and says the pain is worse than labor! Keep her and the darling baby girl in your thoughts and prayers (if you say 'em!). That girl needs some more time to cook before joining us! And her Auntie needs more knitting time!
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